Is an AS9100D and ISO 9001:215 registered facility. Certificate Number C5553581. Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. falls under Aerospace and Military Specification Powder Coatings, Plating, and Metal Refinishing:
- NAICS code 332812
- Cage Code: 1JMS0
- EN9100:2018
- JISQ9100:2016
U.S. Department of State Registered Defense Contractor. DECCS# M42394 United States Defense Logistics Agency JCP-OMB#0704-0207
Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. is listed on the Online Aerospace Supplier Information System (OASIS) with the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) OIN number: 6156832184
Andrews Powder Coating, Inc. is a Tier 1 and Tier 2 service provider for Northrop Grumman, Teledyne, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Space X, etc.
We are MIL-SPEC certified by Northrop Grumman for space flight. Read the Press Release here: https://www.pfonline.com/articles/andrews-powder-coating-earns-space-flight-qualification
This specification covers powder coatings for interior steel, aluminum, copper nickel and bronze equipment, furniture and electrical box surfaces and on exterior steel, aluminum, copper-nickel and bronze surfaces exposed to marine atmosphere, high humidity, seawater and weathering.
The types of powder coatings are designated as follows:
- Type I - Epoxy
- Type II - Epoxy polyester hybrid
- Type III - Polyester
- Type IV - Polyester triglycedial isocyanurate (TGIC)
- Type V - Polyester urethane hybrid
- Type VI - Acrylic
- Type VII - Acrylic polyester hybrid
- Type VIII - Acrylic urethane hybrid
- Type XI - Urethane
- Type X - Polyurethane
- Type XI - Vinyl
- Type XII - Nylon